This web page refers to our older busTRACE 7.0 which is no longer shipping. Click here for details on our latest generation busTRACE software.

busTRACE This WEB page comes from the busTRACE 7.0 User's Manual. (Table of Contents)

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A busTRACE remote "server" is the system you want to capture I/O activity against and have the results sent across the network to your "client" system. The server does NOT require you to have the busTRACE Flash Drive installed in it. The busTRACE Flash Drive only needs to be installed on the "client" system.

Go to the remote system and install busTRACE 7.0. During installation, you will be asked what type of installation you would like to perform.

Select the Remote Server Only option and proceed with the initialization. Once installed, select the busTRACE Remote Server option from the start menu to launch the remote server.

See Also: