busTRACE This WEB page comes from the busTRACE 9.0 User's Manual. (Table of Contents)

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Our software bus analyzer (busTRACE), and our CDB scripting application (busSCRIPT), allow you to open multiple documents at the same time. Each opened document is accessible through our Tabbed Documents interface. For example, if you are capturing I/O activity on your local system, while simultaneously capturing I/O activity on a remote system, while also having opened a previously saved busTRACE capture file, the connections all appear in the documents multiple-document interface (MDI) area as tabs at the top of the workspace.

To switch from one connection to another, simply click on the appropriate tab. Whichever tab is active, the additional docked windows (such as the Capture Devices pane) will automatically adjust to reflect the settings / devices for that connection / document.

You can also configure busTRACE to show each tabbed document on screen at the same time. Simply click on the document tab and drag and drop it on its new position. In this sample, we show you a capture from the local system and one from a remote capture. The currently active document appears with the white background. Any other visible documents appear with a gray background.

See Also: