busTRACE This WEB page comes from the busTRACE 9.0 User's Manual. (Table of Contents)

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By clicking on the Tools->Options... menu, from the busTRACE Start Menu, you can adjust how the start menu will operate.

Redisplay Start Menu when launched application exits

Depending on which task you choose, the busTRACE menu will launch one of several different applications. If you leave the checkmark on this option, the busTRACE Start Menu will hide itself until the launched application exits. When the launched application exits, the busTRACE Start Menu will automatically reappear on screen at its previous location.

Display tray icon while applications are running As was described above, if you leave the checkmark set on the Redisplay Start Menu when launched application exits option, the busTRACE Start Menu will hide itself until the launched application exits. If you leave a checkmark on this option, the busTRACE menu will place an icon on the taskbar for you. You can left or right click on the icon to directly launch other busTRACE 9.0 applications. You can also double-click on the icon to have the busTRACE Start Menu reappear.

If you remove the checkmark from this option, no tray icon will appear.