This web page refers to our older busTRACE 6.0 which is no longer shipping. Click here for details on our latest generation busTRACE software.

busTRACE 6.0 This WEB page comes from the busTRACE 6.0 User's Manual. (Table of Contents)

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Once you have installed the busTRACE Remote Server, you will need to run the remote server application before a "client" busTRACE application (across your network) can connect to the system and capture I/O activity against it.

If you have done a full install of busTRACE 6.0, you can run the busTRACE 6.0 Start Menu and choose Allow remote busTRACE users to capture I/O activity on this computer to launch the remote server. If you installed only the remote server, you can choose busTRACE Remote Server from the Windows start menu.

When you first launch the remote server, you may be prompted to let busTRACE check the Internet for any product updates. We recommend you let the update check proceed to ensure you have any recent products updates.

You will also be prompted to configure busTRACE. This is your opportunity to let busTRACE know what types of I/O activity you want captured on this system. These options are the same as you would see when configuring from the main busTRACE application.

After updating and configuring the remote server, possibly rebooting your system if prompted, the busTRACE remote server will appear:

In the System Information section, the computer's IP address will appear, what version of Windows is running, and how much physical memory is installed on the computer.

In the Connection Information section, you will view the current connection status, how long a client has been connected to the remote server, and how much data has been transferred from the system to the client. When first run, you will typically see Waiting for connection on port 99 which tells you that the server is waiting on TCP/IP port 99 for any busTRACE client connections.

You can configure the remote server by choosing Application Settings from the Tools main menu.

If you prefer a different TCP/IP port to use, you would adjust that here. In addition, you can configure the remote server to automatically launch when Windows starts.

See Also: